Chapter Advisors

Tracy Friend, CEM, MPS, PMP
With emphasis on education and project organization, Mrs. Friend has participated in educating family and staff at the US embassies in Beijing, China and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on preparedness. She has consulted with multi-national corporations on Crisis Management, Continuity of Operations and Business Continuity.
In her most recent role, she has contributed as a Subject Matter Expert and managed the technical research and writing teams for FEMA’s COVID-19 Initial Assessment Report and contributes to other internal FEMA reports with regards to the COVID-19 pandemic. She lead improvement analysis teams deployed to the 39 pilot community vaccination centers, and then transitioned to lead the site assistance teams for technical support to the same centers.
She has held the position of communications and training manager for FEMA’s Flood RiskMAP program contract partner, and assisted with education on the development and use of the National Risk Index tool and Risk Rating 2.0. She participated in public and government educational outreach for community map changes and other contract related materials. She managed a team of planners for 8 Mitigation Plan updates for the state of North Carolina. She has stood up and operated multiple call centers to support the U.S. Virgin Islands for Hurricanes Irma and Maria and in Florida for unemployment claims for COVID-19.
Tracy works together with community organizations and agencies, bringing them to common ground and goals. She initiated Community Resiliency Groups with the public, private, faith-based and government entities in three districts of Fairfax County, Virginia. As the Northern Virginia UASI Regional Vulnerable Populations Coordinator, she was responsible for facilitating coordination and collaboration between 50+ long-term care facilities in 7 counties and the state and local emergency management and health departments.
Tracy volunteers with the American Red Cross and has authored and taught hazard preparedness to secondary schools with the Malaysian Red Crescent Society. Her most recent volunteer endeavor involves organizing volunteers in mass builds of bunkbeds for children lacking their own bed. She continues with volunteer work for the rewarding opportunities it provides to work with and serve the community.
Mrs. Friend is a Certified Emergency Manager (CEM). She is an experienced Project Management Professional (PMP) and is a certified Scrum Master. She holds the certification of Associate Business Continuity Professional (ABCP) from DRI International. She also holds the certification of Scrum Master.
Mrs. Friend is currently pursuing her PhD in Education, with a focus on Curriculum and Instruction. Mrs. Friend earned an Executive Master of Professional Studies (EMPS) from Georgetown University in Emergency and Disaster Management and a Bachelor of Science, double major in Emergency Management and Management Studies from the University of Maryland University College. She is a graduate of both the Emergency Management Executive Academy and Emergency Management Advanced Academy, which are sponsored by FEMA at the Emergency Management Institute.

Dr. Tim Frazier – Faculty Director
Dr. Tim G. Frazier is a Full Professor and the Faculty Director of the Emergency and Disaster Management program at Georgetown University. Dr. Frazier holds a Bachelor of the Arts degree in Geography from the University of Tennessee in Knoxville and a Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Geography from the Pennsylvania State University. Dr. Frazier’s doctoral degree specialization is in Human/Environment Interaction focusing on research concerning the resilience of marginalized populations to climate change and natural hazards. His research uses GIS-based climate modeling, spatial analysis, and other quantitative approaches to determine global and environmental change and then qualitative methodologies (primarily stakeholder engagement) to explore the impacts of these on risk, societal vulnerability, community resilience and adaptation, primarily from a socioeconomic perspective. Much of Dr. Frazier’s research focuses on developing science that serves to impact decision-making in local communities through stakeholder engagement. He is considered a coastal hazards expert and is a leading researcher on the impacts of sea level rise on the physical and socioeconomic vulnerability and resilience of coastal communities. Dr. Frazier is also considered an expert on resilience, and risk assessment, and a leading researcher use of GIS technology and spatial analysis for hazard mitigation planning and climate change adaptation. The primary focus of Dr. Frazier’s research is to help communities increase their resilience to natural hazards and climate change through the development of science and policies that are socially and environmentally just. Within this specific focus is research that targets mitigation and adaptation strategies to segments of society with the least amount of agency to affect their own change. Dr. Frazier has been fortunate to accumulate considerable research experience during his career, with funding support from more than ten different agencies and USGS, NOAA, NSF, FEMA, CDC and more on projects ranging for climate change adaptation to sea level rise and natural hazards. One highlight of Dr. Frazier’s work was the development of a spatially explicit resilience and vulnerability (SERV) model that considers spatial autocorrelation and other spatial analytic factors when conducting vulnerability and resilience assessments to facilitate a more accurate sub-county assessment. This enables local communities to make assessments that are more spatially explicit and as such, the targeting of limited mitigation and or adaptation resources to areas that are more vulnerable. The SERV model allowed Dr. Frazier to conduct research to determine where mitigation and adaptation strategies were being implemented at the sub-county scale and resulted in evidence that most strategies were implemented in a manner to protect the private property of less marginalized populations. In short, populations with the most ability to care for themselves were being privileged with economic assistance from the county in the form of pre-disaster mitigation. The SERV model also facilitates recovery post hazard by assisting stakeholders in targeting areas of the community that might be marginalized and thus inhibited when it comes to recovery. This research is the first of its kind to include all three components of vulnerability (exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity) when assessing vulnerability and resilience. As a faculty member, Dr. Frazier has taught and developed courses ranging from introductory geography and GIS classes to advanced graduate seminars relating to vulnerability, resilience, and climate change adaptation. Some of these classes include: Geographic Perspectives on Sustainability and Human-Environment Systems, Human Dimensions of Natural Hazards, Societal Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Change, Natural Hazards and Society, and Environmental Modeling. Most of the classes he has taught center on human/environment interaction emphasizing differential exposure to hazards and climate change impacts. As a reflection of Dr. Frazier’s teaching and research excellence, he has received multiple a University-wide teaching award and a college-wide early career faculty award. Dr. Frazier also has been quite successful advising and graduating graduate students. He has served as advisor for twelve graduate students and on the graduate committees of fourteen others. He is currently advising three graduate students. In addition to typical academic service, Dr. Frazier reviews for over thirty different academic journals, serves on the editorial board of three journals, and routinely reviews grant proposals for agencies including the National Science Foundation, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Department of Homeland Security, and Sea Grant. You can reach Dr. Frazier at